When buying auto insurance, you have the option to purchase online or to visit your insurance agent in person to start your policy. Although many consumers are drifting more toward the Internet as a convenient solution, many still prefer to see their agent in person to obtain a quote and pay for their policies.
Convenience Vs. Clarity
Buying auto insurance online is far more convenient than getting in your car and driving to visit your agent in person. You don’t have to get out of your pajamas or use the fuel, and it is often much faster to use the point-and-click method.
However, buying auto insurance in person means you receive a personalized quote through interaction with a real human being. You don’t have to worry about the inaccuracies of a computer program to generate a car insurance quote, which makes some people more comfortable.
In some cases, when buying auto insurance online, you do not get access to the same discounts and subtleties of insurance as you would if you were buying in person. An insurance agent might be able to supply a lower quote using the information to which only he or she is privy.
Of course, buying auto insurance in person also limits your access to other quotes and avenues of buying. You can’t find out if another agent might be able to get you a better deal or even choose another agent you feel you can trust more. It’s more direct, but might give you fewer options.
The allure of buying auto insurance online is the freedom to comparison shop at your leisure without worrying about pressure. You can easily click away from one of those pop-up ads that begs you to reconsider insuring with a particular company, but you can’t “click away” a human being. It requires social interaction and you might find yourself faced with an indefatigable salesman.
Best of Both Worlds
Believe it or not, however, you can have the best of both worlds. I have been buying auto insurance online for several years now, but rarely do I finalize the transaction via the Internet. Instead, I print out the quote and the details of the rate, and I take it to the insurance agent of my choice. I then complete buying the auto insurance in-person.
In many cases, an insurance agent will adjust an online rate quote based on additional information you supply, such as proof of an after-market security system you’ve installed in your vehicle. These small details can save you lots of money on car insurance, but you have to be willing to meet your agent in person to finesse those discounts.
Whether buying auto insurance online or in person, you’ll have to decide what is more important to you. And keep in mind you can always schedule an appointment with your insurance agent at a later date if you want to make adjustments.