So your child will be graduating and heading to college soon. With the cost of living, fuel, and just about everything rising, you want an auto insurance policy that will fit your family’s needs without breaking the budget.
The most effective way to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible is to do the homework. Call around, ask questions, and get quotes before making a final decision. Here are some guidelines for finding the best auto insurance for the college-bound student.
What Type of Policy Should You Get?
There are several different types of auto insurance; therefore, it is important to know what kinds of policies are available and how each will benefit you and your student.
Ask yourself the following questions:
• Will the student be living at home or traveling out of town while attending school?
• If the student will be attending school out of town, how often will he or she be coming home?
• What type of vehicle will the student will be driving?
• Does he or she have an exceptional driving record? Good Grades?
The cost of auto insurance is an important factor, especially considering the amount of money you will probably be spending on tuition, gas, and other living arrangements. When looking for the best auto insurance for college students, you should definitely shop around. Most auto insurance companies are competitive and offer special rates for students with good grades. When getting quotes, be sure to ask what kinds of discounts are offered for good driving records.
Additionally, the make, model, and year of the vehicle can make a difference in the premium. If your family has more than one car, get quotes and compare policy costs for each vehicle.
Familiarize Yourself with State Requirements
If your college student will be attending college away from home, make sure you check the state’s auto insurance requirements. Some places are considered higher risk areas than others; therefore, insurance premiums vary from state to state and may even differ in certain areas within a state.
Ask Around
Word of mouth is a very powerful indicator of customer satisfaction. Talk to other people about their experiences with auto insurance companies. Ask about rates, ease of filing and receiving claims, and customer service.
Finding the best auto insurance for college students involves some time and a bit of effort, but it pays to do the research.