Insuring a vehicle in storage generally just requires a short trip to your local insurance agent. Finding out what coverage you need and any special requirements is where it becomes a bit more involved.
Where is the vehicle stored at? Whether or not you are storing your vehicle in a garage on your personal property or at a storage facility will have some bearing on the insurance coverage. Private facilities may have their own rules regarding what they will want you to have for a stored vehicle, and you should explore those options before deciding where to park and store your car. Cars stored in a garage on your own property are probably not going to be covered under your homeowners or renters insurance. A quick call to the agent who handles your personal property insurance will give you this answer.
Another consideration when parking your vehicle for nonuse is whether or not it is going to be parked in plain sight or on a public roadway. Some states have laws regarding the registering and insuring of such vehicles. When possible, there are many positives to parking in an enclosed structure versus the open. Theft or vandalism is much more difficult when your car is locked away inside.
Is liability insurance required? Insurance laws will vary state to state, but most do not require liability insurance for a car in storage. There are exceptions though, like New York state, which requires any registered vehicle to carry liability insurance, stored or not.
Do you own your vehicle outright? If you have a car that is financed, you are probably required by your lender to carry comprehensive coverage. Whether or not the vehicle is stored, comprehensive coverage ensures that you are able to pay off the vehicle loan in the event of some type of loss.
Will your vehicle be used at all during the storage period? Some car owners have antique or specialty cars that are used during events, parades or shows. If your vehicle is used infrequently during the year for these types of events, then you can probably find an insurance agent who can write you a special policy covering your particular needs.
Do you have special circumstances? If you are serving in the military and are deployed overseas, you should check with your carrier about special rates that apply to you when you insure your car in storage.
Other than that, you should consult with your insurance agent to make sure your rates won’t be affected once you decide to reinstate your insurance. A common question agents ask is if you have been continuously covered.