If you’re looking for cheaper car insurance rates or a better insurance provider, make sure you disclose the types of monitoring and security systems your vehicle has. Many car insurance providers extend a discount to customers with vehicles that have security or monitoring systems because these vehicles may be less likely to be stolen, vandalized or be involved in a collision. Every car insurance provider uses a variety of factors to calculate your premium, and there are several things you can do to increase your chances of getting cheaper car insurance.
Security Systems that Could Lower Car Insurance Rates
If your vehicle already has a built-in alarm, anti-theft or monitoring system, you will probably get a lower car insurance rate than vehicles without them. Different types of security or monitoring systems that could lower car insurance rates include:
– Anti-theft systems
– Tire pressure monitoring systems
– GPS monitoring and tracking systems
– Fuel monitoring systems
– Vehicle assessment monitoring systems
Anti-theft systems and devices can ward off criminals and protect your vehicle from vandalism. GPS monitoring systems are especially beneficial for recovering stolen vehicles and tracking missing vehicles. Car insurance providers understand that vehicles equipped with these types of systems are easier to protect and may end up costing less in the event a claim is filed.
Vehicle assessment monitoring systems track your acceleration speed and the quality of your brakes. The data from these assessments can determine whether the vehicle is safe to drive and is often used by fleet management companies. If you are looking for automobile insurance for a truck or fleet of vehicles, you may be able to get lower rates when the vehicles are outfitted with this type of monitoring system.
Disclosing Monitoring System Information when Applying for Cheaper Car Insurance
You can disclose the types of monitoring systems your vehicle has when you submit your car insurance application. You will also need to disclose how often you drive the vehicle, how many miles you typically cover each month, and the primary purpose of your vehicle.
Fewer miles driven and only using your car for recreational purposes or occasionally may help you get cheaper car insurance rates. A car that is used only for commuting to work and is equipped with a vehicle monitoring system may command a lower than average car insurance premium.
Installing or having various types of monitoring systems in your vehicle could mean cheaper car insurance premiums. Make sure you disclose what types of anti-theft and tracking devices your vehicle has so that your insurance provider can offer you a discounted rate.