You may be on a budget, trying to live on less or simply trying to save more money for other things. Cutting your insurance rates is one of the ways to do…
The Benefits of Roadside Assistance Insurance
Suppose you are a woman, driving alone on a dark stormy night, and suddenly your tire blows out. The benefit of having roadside assistance is that you can use your cell phone…
Finding Antique Truck Insurance
When it comes to looking for antique truck insurance there are only a few different ways that you can go to find it. Sure, there are going to be numerous insurance companies…
Vehicle Warranties: Fact, Fiction and Everything in Between
Everyone can recall right now, sitting in the finance office of a dealership being asked to purchase an “extended service contract” for the new or used car they are waiting in anticipation…
5 Tips on Extended Vehicle Warranty Myths and Misunderstandings
Myths and misunderstandings are wide-spread about vehicle extended warranty purchase. Often you will be advised against purchasing this insurance. However, when buying a new car, the dealer will always push sales of…
Before You Buy an Expensive Sports Car Consider the Cost of Insuring It
For a lot of people having a beautiful, exotic sports car is something they’ve dreamed of their entire lives. And it has never been easier to acquire an exotic car than it…
Understanding Your Renters Insurance Policy
Even if you rent an apartment or house, your home will be filled with personal belongings that you own. If these items are damaged or stolen, it will mean that the money…
How to Insure Your Vehicle or Car in Storage
Insuring a vehicle in storage generally just requires a short trip to your local insurance agent. Finding out what coverage you need and any special requirements is where it becomes a bit…
Monitoring and Security Systems Lower Your Car Insurance Premium
If you’re looking for cheaper car insurance rates or a better insurance provider, make sure you disclose the types of monitoring and security systems your vehicle has. Many car insurance providers extend…