Switching auto insurance is a temptation that should be carefully considered, and you should only change if you are absolutely certain that it will save you money or hassle. There are a…
When Should You Switch to Collision-Only Car Insurance?
Normally, people do not plan to have an accident. However, most drivers are eventually involved in an accident or two. When this happens, you need collision car insurance to get your vehicle…
Why Auto Insurance Costs Are So High
Most of us are doing all that we can to save money in any way possible. One area that you should look at is auto insurance. There are ways to save money…
Why Buy Gap Insurance for Your Car?
New cars are great. Everyone likes the feel, smell, and idea of a new car. If you like cars, you know that nothing feels better than taking the wheel of you brand…
When Should You Consider Gap Insurance for a Used Car?
Finding a good used car is frequently more difficult that finding a new car. The price savings can be substantial. A used car can provide first rate transportation for many years if…
How Important is Rental Car Insurance?
You’re standing at the rental car counter, credit card in hand, and the clerk asks whether you want to purchase rental care insurance. Just a few seconds previously you thought you had…
4 Things to Know About Property Insurance on Your Car
When thinking of a car wreck, most people will first imagine one car hitting another. However, this is not always the case. Even when an accident involves two cars, additional damage is…
How Does Umbrella Insurance Work?
Before you purchase umbrella insurance, it’s worthwhile to ask how umbrella insurance works. As opposed to other types of coverage, learning how umbrella insurance works is a relatively simple matter of realizing…
Does Your Company Need Commerical Umbrella Insurance?
You’ve invested your life in making your business run like clockwork — all the right employees, the right customers, everything seems great. Learning about umbrella insurance for your business is the next…